Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~ - C.268: 1 - Crimson SwordOct 01, 2023


I heard a *konkon* sound and turned around. Outside the window, a dove made of chains was striking the window with its beak.

There are no other tall buildings around 《First Step’s (Hajimari no Ashiato)》 Clan House.? That is the kind of place I chose to make a Clan House.

Unlike the lounge, the Clan Master’s office, which is on the top floor, is difficult to snipe from outside, and since Liz’s once smashed through the windows, they have been replaced with bio-glass (A special material enhanced with Mana Material), which boasts the highest strength and price among glass materials. Even so, it could probably be destroyed if a High-level Hunter went all out to destroy it, but criminals would never do anything that conspicuous on the main street like this. They threw explosives from outside, tho’……

I turn the handle and open the window a little, and the 『Pigeon’s Chain』 which was flapping its wings frantically outside the window comes in.

It is from Martis-san’s collection. Among the many chain-shaped Relics that exist, those with the ability to fly are rare, and even I do not have one myself. The 『Pigeon’s Chain』 is one of the most convenient chain-type Relics, as it is clever and wise enough to protect itself from foreign enemies, can be used in place of a carrier pigeon, and is quite fuel-efficient due to its small size. 𝑏𝘦𝘥𝑛𝘰𝘷𝑒𝘭.𝑐𝘰𝑚

I quickly untied the tube that was tied to its ankle and took out the letter from inside.

I take a quick look inside. As expected, the letter was from Martis-san.

Apparently, it seems that he will not be able to do house-call appraisals for a while. It may be that even a Relic appraiser with an unlimited love of Relics cannot win against the passing of the years.

Well, I also want to avoid Martis-san from getting involved in this. He is my Relic “Master (Shisho)”, but at the same time, he is as much a non-combatant as I am.

As I frowned and read the chaotic text, which included a complaint about being scolded by his son and daughter-in-law for preparing a house-call appraisal without caring for them, his grandson’s love affair, gossip on the street and other situations, and then Luke, today’s escort, who was polishing his new wooden sword on the sofa, called out to me.

“So, Cry. When are we going to start the bloodbath?” (Luke)

“…………?” (Luke)

“I don’t really get it, but my “Master (Shisho)” who heard about the attack, told me, don’t slash them, don’t ever slash them. In other words…… He’s telling me to slash them, right?” (Luke)

“Uuuun?” (Cry)

“I’m not going to slash them. They’ll be slashed on their own. For a first-class swordsman, it’s the other side that comes to slash you.” (Luke)

I have no idea what he is talking about or what he is trying to say, but…… Apparently, he is full of motivation.

Luke isn’t as snappy as Liz, but he is as aggressive as Liz. He is not angry, but he is aggressive, so there is a possibility that he is worse than Liz.

“I found a side effect of the “Lightning God Sword (Raijinken)”. Wounds that are caused by the slash will be scorched which reduces the possibility of blood loss. In other words, I can slash a lot more on one person. I’m ready to go at any time. I know! I’ll slash for Liz and the others’ share too!” (Luke)

When you and your opponent are hit by lightning, you already do a lot of damage to both sides, don’t you think? And apparently, the story of me stopping Liz’s has not been transmitted at all.

The Pigeon’s chain wandered in front of me as if it was telling me to quickly give it a reply. I looked alternately at Luke and the pigeon and said something appropriate.

“No you can’t, it is not the time yet. I am busy too, so please stay quiet for a while. If you do that, I am sure something good might happen.” (Cry)

There has been no second attack so far. Maybe it is possible that there won’t be any anymore.

When you rationally think about it, the assailant has made one big mistake this time.

He got Gark-san――The head of one of the Explorer Association branches involved. He is a man with a lot of authority in spite of his appearance. In this heyday era of Treasure Hunters, if you make enemies with the Explorer Association, you will not survive.

Right now, I am sure Gark-san is out there actively looking for the assailant. The only option is to wait.

“Damn, so it’s still not good now…… Seriously, putting on air is Cry’s bad habit. Aaaaah, my magic sword1 wants to suck some blood……” (Luke)

It is not good now and it will always be not good and I am sure that the magic sword which was turned to dust by lightning and remade recently doesn’t want to suck blood.

And Luke blurts out.

“Kill people, I want to kill people……” (Luke)

………… Well then, you must have a lot of free time on your hands.

It can’t be helped, I will just leave him alone for a while. Just as I was about to get up, there was a sudden knock at the door.

Luke *pitari* stopped maintaining his sword and looked at me.

“It’s Eva.” (Cry)

“? Yeah, I know.” (Luke)

Even if you know it, there is still a danger of you slashing her.

When I replied, Eva, who is as always serious from head to toe, entered.

Her appearance had not changed at all from before the attack. Normally, an explosion at close range would have left anyone in a state of shock from which you would not recover for some time, but Eva was back to her normal self the next day. Her courage is also tremendous.

However, that is why we must avoid any damage to Eva and the Clan’s regular staff.

“How are you?” (Cry)

“Thanks to you, there is no particular problem. In the first place, thanks to Cry-san, I was unharmed. Although it looks like it will take a while to repair the lounge――” (Eva)

“You can take some time off work for a while, you know. It’s dangerous, and Luke can handle the paperwork for you.” (Cry)

“Oooh ! Eva leave it to me! My arm is itchy for it!” (Luke)

In response to my little joke, Luke, who can’t do office work, exclaims confidently.

Eva frowned her eyebrows in disgust for a moment and *kohon* cleared her throat.

“Do not worry. I have absorbed a certain amount of Mana Materials for times like this…… Besides, I will be staying at the Clan House for a while. It is the safest place after all.” (Eva)

…… When did you absorb it, even though you seemed insanely busy?

And could it be possible that Eva………… Is stronger than me? She does seem to have the talent for it…… Life is something that is usually unfair.

Staying at the Clan House is a great idea. We are prepared for a siege for a while, and we have a mountain of guards to protect us.

“Want to do a Pajama Party?” (Cry)

“…… I don’t. Many letters and many sympathy gifts arrived after people heard about Cry-san’s attack, but what should I do? And I have declined all visits――.” (Eva)

“I am so popular.” (Cry)

“It is because Cry-san do not usually appear in public, so they think that it is a good opportunity. Because right now, you are a hot topic――” (Eva)

“…………” (Cry)

Eva looked at me with a steady gaze. However, it is kind of uneasy when she is so normal after almost being caught in an explosion.

No matter how much Mana Material she absorbs, it doesn’t change the fact that she is still a non-combatant. After all, preparation is still necessary.

I removed the Barrier Ring on my right pinky and threw it toward Eva. I have a lot of Barrier Rings anyway, so it doesn’t matter if I have one less.

Eva, who caught the ring, looked at me suspiciously.

“Erm…… What is this――?” (Eva)

“It is a Barrier Ring, I will give it to you. I am sorry it is secondhand, but you should keep it.” (Cry)

“!? A Barrier Ring!? Such an expensive――N-No, wait a minute! Why are you suddenly giving this to me now!?” (Eva)

“No, wait a sec…………?” (Cry)

That’s when, for no particular reason, I suddenly had an epiphany.

I cross my arms and look at the pigeon chain *konkon* pecking at the desk with its beak.

If it is not possible for Martis-san to do a house-call appraisal, why don’t I just send the item to him? If I ask Tino to bring it for me, Martis-san wouldn’t refuse the appraisal.

Tino is a member of the Clan, and she often goes in and out of the Clan House. It wouldn’t be unnatural.? Today, I am――I am brilliant. I wonder why I didn’t notice it until now!

Thanks for reading!

Hahaha Eva in a panic because Cry gave her a Barrier Ring.

For Cry to give her a Barrier Ring, what will happen to her!?

Tchao à plus!

Magic sword: Here Luke means his wooden sword. But in a way it is a magic sword as the one who create it is Lucia. XD

